Thursday, 4 July 2013

Two post in one

Hello fellow page viewers who view upon my page sorry I wanted to say "hi guys" but it seemed to masculine and I don't know if its boys or girls who read my blog unfortunately  for me. I am sorry that I skipped  a day of my blog it was because I felt really tired because school had this special day were we do this massive project for the whole day we had to make a wind turbos out of paper , lolly pops sticks, bolts and lots of other stuff it was actually really team won out of our class but when we competed against all the other tutor group class. We came 5th I think but we also won best behaved class all that was what happened yesterday I didn't really do anything embarrsing that I can remember apart from saying something out loud that was rude and a teacher heard which was a bit annoying but I didn't get it to any serious trouble. We had an assemble today and followed after we had a famous Arthur Sarah Lean who wrote a dog called homeless. after I had Spanish, lunch, maths and history found out my level was so shocked I barley ever get that low levels and I like history as well :(

          So I was coming down the stairs with my friend and she was behind me then I turned round but I didn't see her  then some random girl was in front of me and I thought she was my friend so I pulled the girls arm back and it turned out she was somebody else and was in 6th form so glad she didn't say anything. My friend was just behind me laughing her head off. I have got two announcement first I  have got over and a 100 views yeah!!! ;) thanks to you lot. Secondly on the 15th  I`m going with my school to France so happy :) can not wait. I will write a post about it at my school tomorrow were celebrating world book day and we can do characters in movies as well. I normally do books because I am a book worm but for once I`m doing someone in a movie and I `m dressing up as the tomboy/new girl in mean girls two when she has had changed her style and become an anti plastic. got to go now bye wish me luck that someone will guess who I am they properly will not though.

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