Hi guys sorry its been to long,
I have been on a bit of an adventure.So what has happened lets see I liked a boy who acted like he liked me back then told my friend he did. Then turns out he lied to me about his age because he wanted to and that he likes other girl which just sucks. He`s basically a player. Why do these kinda stuff happen to me . I actually don't know why these stuff happen to me. Two of my BFF`s have gone on holiday and I only have one BFF left at school which is kinda annoying but I`m fine. I guess I should just stay away from boys for a while so that I don't get hurt again. Well apart from that I guess I`m okay. OMG I`ve been wanting to tell you guys what happened. My BFF and I were at the bus stop and some African man came up to us and he was like to my BFF what did I tell you about smoking. My BFF got all scared and was like I wasn't smoking and I just couldn`t stop laughing. afterwards he was like aww don't cry it was a joke and that gave me the giggles all over again.
Saturday, 30 November 2013
Thursday, 31 October 2013
quick book review
so I been doing some reading and I so love this book its about a girl who blogs about her life and she has not have any hope with boys and then she meet the most desciable boy she ever know but then she realises he`s not what he seems. I give it 10/10
hi guys what's up so first off happy Halloween. Are u doing anything special ? I am. My bf and I are going to this cool sleep over thing with some other friends it going to be good. So I thought I will just do a quick blog while my bf is in the shower she`s having a sleepover before the actual sleepover.
so these are some quick dress up ideas for Halloween
1, a cat 4, Cruella
5, a punkin
2, a vampire
3, queen of hearts well im going as a cat I hooped this helped omg have u seen these nail
ideas they are so cute I love them :D
Thursday, 17 October 2013
Oh well
sooo to continue the story about what happened after the summer was that this girl I used to know in primary school she asked me if I liked the boy and I asked her why and she started saying he likes me and blah blah but she`s not the sort of person to tell the truth and apparently she got this information from her little brother who I find I incredibly annoying and rude. so I didn't get my hopes up well not that high. I called him and he said he don't know what there talking about and then he called them and they said the oppist thing from what they told me which was that I liked him which was so annoying. so I asked if he liked me and he said that's awkward and he has a girl friend its a good thing and a bad thing he said that. but oh well I`m only young its not like I need a boyfriend . my education and career comes first so no I`m not jealous if u were wandering.
scream attach & school dinners >:0
hiya , sorry I kinda abanoed you for like 3 weeks . Opps it was an accident so you are proberally wandering why what my titles about so basically im quite a screamish person. If someone like scares me which isn't that often or when im falling or something.I scream really loudly and its an automatic reaction and lately its been getting on all my friends neres and I hate it when they shout and moan at me to stop screaming and I cant help. Another thing that's bugging me is school dinners like all of sudden at my school the school dinners are losing quality its so annoying and the other day they were giving out chicken and rice no cause or anything and the chicken was dry

Friday, 4 October 2013
Friday, 27 September 2013
summer crushes
Sorry guys this post is way overdue I wanted to tell you earlier but at the moment I finding school life very busy . the amount of homework just get more and more its hard to keep up with and its been cutting into my blog time but don't worry I`m going to get into the hang of it soon which is good. so in the summer holidays I went to this summer sports camp and well I meet this really nice boy and we clicked and were friends and we got on . so we both just kept on coming and then I started to developed a little crush and my friend kept on saying he liked me and it was kinda funny so well lots of people kept on saying it was puppy love and blah blah . their was this one girl I really didn't like and she kept on trying to interfere and make my day as bad as possible don't worry I put her in her place. I don't know who she thought she was she`s to big for herself.so anyway I stopped going cause my mum came off work and wanted spend time with me and the second to last day my friend convinced me to go so I did and this girl I used to know was their and we caught up a little and then basically I think she likes him. but the boy and I were closer and we texted everyday and called well actually he called me mostly. so everything was going well. he always made me laugh in seconds nobody could make me laugh that quick. then on Saturday this boy we both knew through the summer sports camp who hates me but I don't care. he took his phone and texted me that he thinks I`m ugly and I replied why are u telling me this and tell him he`s rude.
Another thing that happened was one day he deleted me on Facebook and didn't reply to my text so I decide that he doesn't want to talk to me. So its okay then he called me few days saying his little sister deleted me because she goes on his Facebook and that he didn't have his phone .The one thing that annoyed the most was I told one of my friends about him and she said she knows him and basically apparently he lied to me about his age he`s younger than me. He lied to me which really annoyed me and even asked him again and he said he was my age and what ever. Then a few weeks ago he saw me and said "hi" I replied then afterwards like two days later I saw him he didn't reply so I was like I see how it is . so because he lied to me and didn't reply I didn't text back for three days and we keep on seeing each other and not talking . when ever I see him I just want to talk to him and I get butterflies . I wish that I could sort it out . Today I saw him I think he was staring at me and I wasn't facing him then his friend called me and told me that he wants to say something to me he can come and say it but by then he disappeared and his friend went on after him i could go into more detail but its to much to write. So think I might confront him write a comment below of what you thing I should do thanks xoxo
Another thing that happened was one day he deleted me on Facebook and didn't reply to my text so I decide that he doesn't want to talk to me. So its okay then he called me few days saying his little sister deleted me because she goes on his Facebook and that he didn't have his phone .The one thing that annoyed the most was I told one of my friends about him and she said she knows him and basically apparently he lied to me about his age he`s younger than me. He lied to me which really annoyed me and even asked him again and he said he was my age and what ever. Then a few weeks ago he saw me and said "hi" I replied then afterwards like two days later I saw him he didn't reply so I was like I see how it is . so because he lied to me and didn't reply I didn't text back for three days and we keep on seeing each other and not talking . when ever I see him I just want to talk to him and I get butterflies . I wish that I could sort it out . Today I saw him I think he was staring at me and I wasn't facing him then his friend called me and told me that he wants to say something to me he can come and say it but by then he disappeared and his friend went on after him i could go into more detail but its to much to write. So think I might confront him write a comment below of what you thing I should do thanks xoxo
Saturday, 7 September 2013
hi guys ,
how`s life ? So my little sister just started primary school and she looks so cute In her uniform and after her school finish she goes to a after school club and my dad and me went to go and meet my mum to pick up my little sister and we were walking and my dad decide to just start embarrassing me on the road. Where I know a lot of people that are my friends who go up and down that road and my dad decides to sing shine bright like a diamond out loud all because my little sisters after school club has the word diamond n them and lets not forget my dad was standing right next to me. The way I walked so fast away from him I almost ran when I saw my mom. Its not the first time he`s done it to me as well and he does it so randomly. I already embarrass myself in public by myself I don't need any help. I`m not complaining its actually really funny and I love my dad so don't get the wrong idea.
how`s life ? So my little sister just started primary school and she looks so cute In her uniform and after her school finish she goes to a after school club and my dad and me went to go and meet my mum to pick up my little sister and we were walking and my dad decide to just start embarrassing me on the road. Where I know a lot of people that are my friends who go up and down that road and my dad decides to sing shine bright like a diamond out loud all because my little sisters after school club has the word diamond n them and lets not forget my dad was standing right next to me. The way I walked so fast away from him I almost ran when I saw my mom. Its not the first time he`s done it to me as well and he does it so randomly. I already embarrass myself in public by myself I don't need any help. I`m not complaining its actually really funny and I love my dad so don't get the wrong idea.
Wednesday, 4 September 2013
So I bet you guys have been wondering who won the compertion was supposed to upload this on the 30th of August because that was this blog 3 months anniversary but I didn't get round to it well I think this embarrassing story stood out the most because it was the only story that I got which was unfortunate but it was a really funny story. the winner is a girl called Kimberley who is aged 13 I would just like to say a huge thank you for your story:
Heeey, I love your blogs they are really funny. My embarrassing moment was when my mum and I was shopping, I went wondering off to look at other things and then I went to call my mum. I started to pull her arm and the next thing you know is that its not even my mum it was pulling some random woman who I thought was my mum. Lmaao so yeah that was embarrassing for me :)
Your Mystery Blog Fan xxx
I afterwards she told me who she was and were really good friends now ;D
So I bet you guys have been wondering who won the compertion was supposed to upload this on the 30th of August because that was this blog 3 months anniversary but I didn't get round to it well I think this embarrassing story stood out the most because it was the only story that I got which was unfortunate but it was a really funny story. the winner is a girl called Kimberley who is aged 13 I would just like to say a huge thank you for your story:
Your Mystery Blog Fan xxx
I afterwards she told me who she was and were really good friends now ;D
Serious Updarte Of My Life
Bonjour, sorry I know its been to long but this summer holidays has been so good, I think it has given me a boost of higher self -esteem and changed me in so many ways . unfortunately the summer holidays had to come to and end which was really unfortunately but as my one of my best friends said it happened to come sooner or later. Theirs a lot of stuff to look forward to in the new school year but it also looks like its going to be a lot of hard work which means I `m going to have to say good bye to my social life and hello to my study life . I just really want to be successful in life so I `m going to have to study hard and hope for the best.
So in the summer holiday I went to this summer camp that was sports themed it was really good and I meet some really fun, cool people. I really enjoyed myself apart from those slight awkward embarrassing moments I `m a girly girl but I do like sports apart from when I make a total idiot of myself and guess what I did exactly that but I lived it down. One of my highlight moment was when we started to play rounder's which is normally my favourite sports game and I'm really good at it and this was the first game I played so I thought it was going to be fun till when the ball came basically I wasn't wearing my glasses and I didn't see the ball and it went right past ,my bat and I thought I saw it so I was hitting the air and everyone started laughing. Another embarrassing highlight was when I got tackled and my glasses broke and I`m am well known for breaking my glasses and this is the third glasses I have had that broke and I know what your thinking why did u wear glasses for sports. It was because I find it so weird without my glasses and I didn't think something like that would happen but it did and now I'm glasses less. But the number one thing I hate that is way to embarrassing is when u like someone from the opposite sex as a friend or even more or whatever and then your friend or someone says it out loud its just how they say it in front of everyone its just to embarrassing !!!
Sunday, 11 August 2013
Hiya this is a four day reminder about the competition to send me your embarrassing stories send it to khaila212@yahoo.co.uk and the most embarrassing story gets to have their embarrassing story posted on my blog!!!
Thursday, 8 August 2013
Supply Tacher Story : messy situation
So we had a supply teacher in my English class . This girl in my class asked the teacher what her name was but we didn't hear her properly and we thought she said her name was Mrs boring and she got so offended and she gave us a whole lecture about how would we like it if she started tacking the mick out of our names and we will properly complain to our parents and she would get in trouble we didn't even do it on purpose we just couldn't hear her properly. Finally we found out her name was Mrs goring. No one really liked her and she told the class we had to write a poem so I was messing about and I wrote poem based on her and how the class didn't like here but no one was supposed to read it. I was going to throw it away cause she kept on writing notes about us and then she went and took my paper and read it when she wasn't supposed to. It was so awkward I know it was mean I feel guilty. After the lesson finished my friends took her notes and we found out what she thought about us.
Monday, 5 August 2013
sports summer camp
Today was the first day I went to this sports summer camp which you have probably have guessed from the tittle I was a bit scared to go cause I wanted people my age to be their and it was at this school which were for boys and I didn't know if their will be any girls so I was really hoping their will be and I had nothing to worry about their were people younger than me and older. I had a fantastic day apart from the fact that my glasses broke and the ball hit me on the back of my head and somewhere else .
but I still mad e a right mess of my self we were playing rounder football and it was my turn I was supposed to kick the ball and I mussed it and the second time it went straight into the bowler which was so annoying but I still had fun.
Remember theirs only 10 more day till the competition!!!!!!
Today was the first day I went to this sports summer camp which you have probably have guessed from the tittle I was a bit scared to go cause I wanted people my age to be their and it was at this school which were for boys and I didn't know if their will be any girls so I was really hoping their will be and I had nothing to worry about their were people younger than me and older. I had a fantastic day apart from the fact that my glasses broke and the ball hit me on the back of my head and somewhere else .
but I still mad e a right mess of my self we were playing rounder football and it was my turn I was supposed to kick the ball and I mussed it and the second time it went straight into the bowler which was so annoying but I still had fun.
Remember theirs only 10 more day till the competition!!!!!!
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
My life update
it feels so long since I have wrote a lot on my blog so I have decide I will try and do a new post every day in the summer holidays so lets give you a quick update on life so Its school holidays and I`m not going abroad but next year I might go Trinidad with my family to visit my grana can`t wait. Today went out with my good friend we had a laugh but I managed to fall luckily I caught my balance just in time. later on in the day I was skypeing my bf and we were talking and her older sis and bro came in the room and I told her to read the text i sent her cause i could not say it when her syblings were their and then my little sister just goes and says "Mariam you cant say it allowed because your older sister and brother will hear " it was so awkward cause my bf``s older brother and sister knew I said something and they cant hear and they were just looking at Mariam and me . then i went and got the giggles. so now her brother and sister probably think that it was something about them when it was not .oh well
The most funniest things I have seen this month I hope they never happen to me :
1) was with my friend and we some man in public talking to his car and having a whole conversation to it shouting and even swearing
2) Some boy walked up the double decker and when he got on to the top the bus went on bump and he feel over the chair so his legs were in the air it was so funny
There was some more but I have forgotten them
it feels so long since I have wrote a lot on my blog so I have decide I will try and do a new post every day in the summer holidays so lets give you a quick update on life so Its school holidays and I`m not going abroad but next year I might go Trinidad with my family to visit my grana can`t wait. Today went out with my good friend we had a laugh but I managed to fall luckily I caught my balance just in time. later on in the day I was skypeing my bf and we were talking and her older sis and bro came in the room and I told her to read the text i sent her cause i could not say it when her syblings were their and then my little sister just goes and says "Mariam you cant say it allowed because your older sister and brother will hear " it was so awkward cause my bf``s older brother and sister knew I said something and they cant hear and they were just looking at Mariam and me . then i went and got the giggles. so now her brother and sister probably think that it was something about them when it was not .oh well
The most funniest things I have seen this month I hope they never happen to me :
1) was with my friend and we some man in public talking to his car and having a whole conversation to it shouting and even swearing
2) Some boy walked up the double decker and when he got on to the top the bus went on bump and he feel over the chair so his legs were in the air it was so funny
There was some more but I have forgotten them
Compertion time
How's your life? I hope its good so lets get down to business I am always telling you what`s going on in my life so lets try something new for a chance why don't you tell me one of your most embarrsing story's . I will choose which story's are the most embarrassing and will post it on my blog .
closing date is 15th of august
to send me your story contact me on khailasweet4@Gmail.com
If you have trouble with the other email address use this one khaila212@yahoo.com
I hope you can enter also leave your email address and your name and age
please enter!!!
How's your life? I hope its good so lets get down to business I am always telling you what`s going on in my life so lets try something new for a chance why don't you tell me one of your most embarrsing story's . I will choose which story's are the most embarrassing and will post it on my blog .
closing date is 15th of august
to send me your story contact me on khailasweet4@Gmail.com
If you have trouble with the other email address use this one khaila212@yahoo.com
I hope you can enter also leave your email address and your name and age
please enter!!!
Saturday, 20 July 2013
France & Belguim school trip :D
Bonjour, guess where I was on the 15th of July to the 17th of July? I was in France and Belgium on a school trip to learn about world war 1. I had a wonderful time apart from all the embarrsing things I done for instance when we got on the coach I kept on bumping my head on the coach and everyone saw. the hotel we stayed in was nice and cosy it was called budget hotel. on day one when we arrived in Belgium we went to a museum which was really cool and it had two exhibits of what the trenches were like it was fantastic and at some points my friends and I got scared but a good scared afterwards we went to some cemeteries and then we had dinner in this France restraint called Flunch. I had chicken, chips, potatoes balls and for desert I had caramel and nut magnum. I hated the chicken though because it was dry and had no taste. the next day was great but we didn't get to go to any museums but we had tours on coach and went to visit more cemetery also we got a bit of shopping time and I bought this white dress from h and m which looked really nice. on our last day we went to a cemetery then a museum and afterwards a really cool museum which was nice after we got to go shopping for a whole 2 hours I bought chocolate for my family. then it was time to start heading home. I had a fantastic time although I kept on bumping into things in French which was so annoying.
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
World book day and more
hi I am sorry if you have been waiting for my blog just I have been a bit lazy and distracted recently don't worry I have lots of embarrassing tales to tell. I m going to do 3 blogs all separate from each other.
Last Friday was world book day at my school because my school moved world book day I dressed up as Johanna "Jo" Mitchell who is the main character I n the film.my friend who has a blog called another kinda fashion kindly took a photo of me to show what I worn. so she gets full credit. I will show the picture soon. on Friday I managed to walk into a bin which was super annoying cause my friends found it hilarious I am so lucky that only my friends noticed. I my last pot I forgot to tell you that in my school we have this building which has 5 floors not including the ground floor and basically I my friend and I were on the 2nd floor walking up to the third and I fell back on her and theirs this gap and her glasses fell of her face and down the gap we had to run all the way to the ground floor was so lucky we got it. this happened on last Thursday btw
Last Friday was world book day at my school because my school moved world book day I dressed up as Johanna "Jo" Mitchell who is the main character I n the film.my friend who has a blog called another kinda fashion kindly took a photo of me to show what I worn. so she gets full credit. I will show the picture soon. on Friday I managed to walk into a bin which was super annoying cause my friends found it hilarious I am so lucky that only my friends noticed. I my last pot I forgot to tell you that in my school we have this building which has 5 floors not including the ground floor and basically I my friend and I were on the 2nd floor walking up to the third and I fell back on her and theirs this gap and her glasses fell of her face and down the gap we had to run all the way to the ground floor was so lucky we got it. this happened on last Thursday btw
Thursday, 4 July 2013
Two post in one
Hello fellow page viewers who view upon my page sorry I wanted to say "hi guys" but it seemed to masculine and I don't know if its boys or girls who read my blog unfortunately for me. I am sorry that I skipped a day of my blog it was because I felt really tired because school had this special day were we do this massive project for the whole day we had to make a wind turbos out of paper , lolly pops sticks, bolts and lots of other stuff it was actually really fun.my team won out of our class but when we competed against all the other tutor group class. We came 5th I think but we also won best behaved class all day.so that was what happened yesterday I didn't really do anything embarrsing that I can remember apart from saying something out loud that was rude and a teacher heard which was a bit annoying but I didn't get it to any serious trouble. We had an assemble today and followed after we had a famous Arthur Sarah Lean who wrote a dog called homeless. after I had Spanish, lunch, maths and history found out my level was so shocked I barley ever get that low levels and I like history as well :(
So I was coming down the stairs with my friend and she was behind me then I turned round but I didn't see her then some random girl was in front of me and I thought she was my friend so I pulled the girls arm back and it turned out she was somebody else and was in 6th form so glad she didn't say anything. My friend was just behind me laughing her head off. I have got two announcement first I have got over and a 100 views yeah!!! ;) thanks to you lot. Secondly on the 15th I`m going with my school to France so happy :) can not wait. I will write a post about it at my school tomorrow were celebrating world book day and we can do characters in movies as well. I normally do books because I am a book worm but for once I`m doing someone in a movie and I `m dressing up as the tomboy/new girl in mean girls two when she has had changed her style and become an anti plastic. got to go now bye wish me luck that someone will guess who I am they properly will not though.
So I was coming down the stairs with my friend and she was behind me then I turned round but I didn't see her then some random girl was in front of me and I thought she was my friend so I pulled the girls arm back and it turned out she was somebody else and was in 6th form so glad she didn't say anything. My friend was just behind me laughing her head off. I have got two announcement first I have got over and a 100 views yeah!!! ;) thanks to you lot. Secondly on the 15th I`m going with my school to France so happy :) can not wait. I will write a post about it at my school tomorrow were celebrating world book day and we can do characters in movies as well. I normally do books because I am a book worm but for once I`m doing someone in a movie and I `m dressing up as the tomboy/new girl in mean girls two when she has had changed her style and become an anti plastic. got to go now bye wish me luck that someone will guess who I am they properly will not though.
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
Dangerous PE
I can not think of any word that can some up my day today . I did do some stuff that was embarrassing but today was just annoying and hard but not my worst some good stuff came out of it though which is good I guess. I think my highlight of embarrassment today was PE.So we had PE today and we were playing rounder's which is my favourite topic in PE because I find it fun and I was a fielder but I didn't have stomp so I was behind this girl in my class and the batter hit the ball and I was trying to find it but then the ball went under the chair and I didn't realise that it rolled off so I was their for a good 5 minutes looking for the ball but then when I realised the ball wasn't their I turned around and then suddenly the batter comes running to the girls post and she crashes in to me and I fall on to the bench right behind me and everyone sees. don`t you just hate it when you do something clumsy and everyone sees ?
Monday, 1 July 2013
Monday also known as Lunes in spanish
Pinch punch first of the month
Today wasn't to bad. I did still end up doing something embarrassing .Our first lesson was history it actually went really well. Our next lesson was English when the lesson finished my best friend and I kind of got lost because their rebuilding our school so they blocked off this door with a cardboard wall. My best friend and I didn't realise so we almost walked into the cardboard wall but just before "my other friend is like they blocked it off why you going their". Unfortunately for us the builders heard what my other friend said to us and they were just looking at us so it was kind of awaked. Oh well at least they don't know us. The rest of the day was okay.
After school I was waiting at the bus stop with my friend and we were waiting for her bus to come and we talking to pass time and then we remembered this one time. I was waiting for her bus and we couldn't stop laughing. So I tried to get us to stop laughing so I told her my pet dog died and she said you have already told me that and then I said to her my cat dead and she said I didn't have a cat and I kept on insisting and I said it died before I was born and it did but it was my mums cat that I never even knew. But my friend was still laughing and she said turn around and when I turned round this man who was wearing a top, knee length shorts that showed his hairy legs and a beach kind of hat he looked like in his 50s. He just stood their and was just listening to our conversation and he was just staring at me and he wouldn't stop. He probably heard the whole conversation so it was just awkward and his eyes looked they were going to pop out and his mouth was wide open he would not stop looking and listing to our conversation. Luckily the bus came and he came went on the bus.
Today wasn't to bad. I did still end up doing something embarrassing .Our first lesson was history it actually went really well. Our next lesson was English when the lesson finished my best friend and I kind of got lost because their rebuilding our school so they blocked off this door with a cardboard wall. My best friend and I didn't realise so we almost walked into the cardboard wall but just before "my other friend is like they blocked it off why you going their". Unfortunately for us the builders heard what my other friend said to us and they were just looking at us so it was kind of awaked. Oh well at least they don't know us. The rest of the day was okay.
After school I was waiting at the bus stop with my friend and we were waiting for her bus to come and we talking to pass time and then we remembered this one time. I was waiting for her bus and we couldn't stop laughing. So I tried to get us to stop laughing so I told her my pet dog died and she said you have already told me that and then I said to her my cat dead and she said I didn't have a cat and I kept on insisting and I said it died before I was born and it did but it was my mums cat that I never even knew. But my friend was still laughing and she said turn around and when I turned round this man who was wearing a top, knee length shorts that showed his hairy legs and a beach kind of hat he looked like in his 50s. He just stood their and was just listening to our conversation and he was just staring at me and he wouldn't stop. He probably heard the whole conversation so it was just awkward and his eyes looked they were going to pop out and his mouth was wide open he would not stop looking and listing to our conversation. Luckily the bus came and he came went on the bus.
Sunday, 30 June 2013
First off I will like to say hi to everyone who is reading this blog. I made this blog because I thought it would be a fun thing to do. I called this blog My Embarrassing Life because everyday I always end up doing something embarrassing like for example last Friday we were on the bus and I tripped luckily I didn't fall. Also I made this blog because one of my friends made a blog and I thought it would be fun to do and it would be good for me to practice writing more. I hope you enjoy my blog!!!
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