Thursday, 31 October 2013

quick book review

so I been doing some reading and I so love this book its about a girl who blogs about her life and she has not  have any hope with boys and then she meet  the most desciable boy she ever know but then she realises he`s not what he seems. I give it 10/10


hi guys what's up so first off happy Halloween. Are u doing anything special ? I am. My bf and I are going to this cool sleep over thing with some other friends it going to  be good. So I thought I will just do a quick blog while my bf is in the shower she`s having a sleepover before the actual sleepover.
 so these are some quick dress up ideas for Halloween

1, a cat                                    4, Cruella

                                                 5, a punkin
2, a vampire

3, queen of hearts                    well im going as a cat I hooped this helped omg have u seen these nail
                                                      ideas they are so cute I love them :D
Queen Of Hearts CostumeHalloween Costumes     

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Oh well

sooo  to continue the story about what happened after the summer was that this girl I used to know in primary school she asked  me if I liked the boy and I asked her why and she started saying he likes me and blah blah but she`s not the sort of person to tell the truth and apparently she got this information from her little brother who I find I incredibly annoying and rude. so I didn't get my hopes up well not that high. I called him and he said he don't know  what  there talking about and then he called them and they said the oppist thing from what they told me which was that I liked him which was so annoying. so I asked if he liked me and he said that's awkward and he  has a girl friend its a good thing and a bad thing he said that. but oh well  I`m only young its not like I need a boyfriend . my education and career comes first so no I`m not jealous if u were wandering.

scream attach & school dinners >:0

hiya , sorry I kinda abanoed you for like 3 weeks . Opps it was an accident so you are proberally wandering why  what my titles about so basically  im quite a screamish person. If someone   like scares me which isn't that often or when im falling or something.I scream really loudly and its an automatic reaction and lately its been getting on all my friends neres and I hate it when they shout and moan at me to stop screaming and I cant help. Another thing that's bugging me is school dinners like all of sudden at my school the school dinners are losing quality its so annoying and the other day they were giving out chicken and rice no cause or anything and the chicken was dry